Programmes And Quality Assurance (PQA)
The Division of PQA is responsible for assuring the quality implementation of formal education programmes, policies and regulatory framework. This includes the effective implementation of the Basic Education curricula with the mission to promote a conducive learning environment and provide quality and inclusive education for every Namibian child.
What We Do:
- Develop regulatory frameworks for the schools
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies and programmes
- Provide support in the delivery of quality teaching and learning
- Build capacity in the regions
- Raise awareness of school health and wellness, education, and social issues
- Provide Psychological support services
- Division: HIV/AIDS Management Unit (HAMU)
- Division: Management Planning, Appraisal & Training (MPAT)
- Division: Diagnostic, Advisory and Training Services (DATS)
- Division: Special Programmes and Schools (DSPS)
- Division: National Advisory Services (NAS)
- Division: Audit, Standards and Quality Assurance (ASQA)