
The Directorate of Arts aspires to identify, develop and promote the creative industry sector,through building skills of Namibians for the purpose of economic, social development which involve creation, production and distribution of products and services that uses creativity and human capital as its main input to generate revenues through commercial exploitation to nature national pride and identity.

What We Do:

  • Provide arts education training and funding for artists
  • Develop and coordinate the implementation of Arts policies
  • Provide, art projects and studies in various fields of art
  • Identify, initiate and coordinate research in arts and promote artistic expressions and skills
  • Facilitate and coordinate partnerships between arts bodies at national, regional, and international levels
  • Coordinate, facilitate, and support the implementation of relevant UNESCO Conventions
  • Coordinate the implementation of art projects resulting from bilateral and multi-lateral agreements
  • Serve as an advisory and advocating unit for the arts sector


Art Public Institutions

Established 1971 as the Windhoek Conservatoire of Music, which in 1990 became COTA, which is a Division within the Directorate of Arts, is governed by the National Education Act 30 of 1980, same as Teachers Training Colleges, Agricultural College and Health Training Centre and later under the Education Act of 2001.

The College of the Arts registers about 300 and 700 students annually in the diploma and non-diploma courses, respectively.

The NAGN is established by an Act of Parliament (Act No. 14, 2000). The NAGN exhibits numerous exhibitions annually and attracts thousands of people to view the exhibitions and participate in other activities hosted there, such as visual art workshops, Educational Guided Tours and other various related programmes.

The NACN was established through the National Arts Fund Act of 2005, to advocate, promote and develop varying Namibian art forms locally and internationally, as well as to build capacity amongst artists through a scholarship programme that will ensure continued practice and development of varying art forms in Namibia.  It provides opportunities, support and financial assistance to artist’s programmes and projects to ensure the continued practice of all art forms in Namibia, to enrich and enhance the national heritage and above all unify all Namibians.

The NTN is a public institution registered as a Section (Article) 21 Company under the Companies Act – Association not for gain. The National Theatre of Namibia organises and hosts various performing arts activities that attract many people annually.